k; // Half Bar Nominal Height = 0.050" $HalfBarHeight = 3.6 / $this->k; // Full and Half Bar Nominal Width = 0.020" $BarWidth = 1.44 / $this->k; // Bar Spacing = 0.050" $BarSpacing = 3.6 / $this->k; $FiveBarSpacing = $BarSpacing * 5; // 1 represents full-height bars and 0 represents half-height bars $BarDefinitionsArray = Array( 1 => Array(0,0,0,1,1), 2 => Array(0,0,1,0,1), 3 => Array(0,0,1,1,0), 4 => Array(0,1,0,0,1), 5 => Array(0,1,0,1,0), 6 => Array(0,1,1,0,0), 7 => Array(1,0,0,0,1), 8 => Array(1,0,0,1,0), 9 => Array(1,0,1,0,0), 0 => Array(1,1,0,0,0)); // validate the zip code $this->_ValidateZipCode($zipcode); // set the line width $this->SetLineWidth($BarWidth); // draw start frame bar $this->Line($x, $y, $x, $y - $FullBarHeight); $x += $BarSpacing; // draw digit bars for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $this->_DrawDigitBars($x, $y, $BarSpacing, $HalfBarHeight, $FullBarHeight, $BarDefinitionsArray, $zipcode{$i}); $x += $FiveBarSpacing; } // draw more digit bars if 10 digit zip code if(strlen($zipcode) == 10) { for($i = 6; $i < 10; $i++) { $this->_DrawDigitBars($x, $y, $BarSpacing, $HalfBarHeight, $FullBarHeight, $BarDefinitionsArray, $zipcode{$i}); $x += $FiveBarSpacing; } } // draw check sum digit $this->_DrawDigitBars($x, $y, $BarSpacing, $HalfBarHeight, $FullBarHeight, $BarDefinitionsArray, $this->_CalculateCheckSumDigit($zipcode)); $x += $FiveBarSpacing; // draw end frame bar $this->Line($x, $y, $x, $y - $FullBarHeight); } // Reads from end of string and returns first matching valid // zip code of form DDDDD or DDDDD-DDDD, in that order. // Returns empty string if no zip code found. function ParseZipCode($stringToParse) { // check if string is an array or object if(is_array($stringToParse) || is_object($stringToParse)) { return ""; } // convert parameter to a string $stringToParse = strval($stringToParse); $lengthOfString = strlen($stringToParse); if ( $lengthOfString < 5 ) { return ""; } // parse the zip code backward $zipcodeLength = 0; $zipcode = ""; for ($i = $lengthOfString-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { // conditions to continue the zip code switch($zipcodeLength) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: if ( is_numeric($stringToParse{$i}) ) { $zipcodeLength += 1; $zipcode .= $stringToParse{$i}; } else { $zipcodeLength = 0; $zipcode = ""; } break; case 4: if ( $stringToParse{$i} == "-" ) { $zipcodeLength += 1; $zipcode .= $stringToParse{$i}; } elseif ( is_numeric($stringToParse{$i}) ) { $zipcodeLength += 1; $zipcode .= $stringToParse{$i}; break 2; } else { $zipcodeLength = 0; $zipcode = ""; } break; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: if ( is_numeric($stringToParse{$i}) ) { $zipcodeLength = $zipcodeLength + 1; $zipcode = $zipcode . $stringToParse{$i}; } else { $zipcodeLength = 0; $zipcode = ""; } break; case 9: if ( is_numeric($stringToParse{$i}) ) { $zipcodeLength = $zipcodeLength + 1; $zipcode = $zipcode . $stringToParse{$i}; break; } else { $zipcodeLength = 0; $zipcode = ""; } break; } } // return the parsed zip code if found if ( $zipcodeLength == 5 || $zipcodeLength == 10 ) { // reverse the zip code return strrev($zipcode); } else { return ""; } } // PRIVATE PROCEDURES // triggers user error if the zip code is invalid // valid zip codes are of the form DDDDD or DDDDD-DDDD // where D is a digit from 0 to 9, returns the validated zip code function _ValidateZipCode($zipcode) { $functionname = "ValidateZipCode Error: "; // check if zipcode is an array or object if(is_array($zipcode) || is_object($zipcode)) { trigger_error($functionname. "Zip code may not be an array or object.", E_USER_ERROR); } // convert zip code to a string $zipcode = strval($zipcode); // check if length is 5 if ( strlen($zipcode) != 5 && strlen($zipcode) != 10 ) { trigger_error($functionname. "Zip code must be 5 digits or 10 digits including hyphen. len:". strlen($zipcode)." zipcode: ".$zipcode, E_USER_ERROR); } if ( strlen($zipcode) == 5 ) { // check that all characters are numeric for ( $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++ ) { if ( is_numeric( $zipcode{$i} ) == false ) { trigger_error($functionname. "5 digit zip code contains non-numeric character.", E_USER_ERROR); } } } else { // check for hyphen if ( $zipcode{5} != "-" ) { trigger_error($functionname. "10 digit zip code does not contain hyphen in right place.", E_USER_ERROR); } // check that all characters are numeric for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { if ( is_numeric($zipcode{$i}) == false && $i != 5 ) { trigger_error($functionname. "10 digit zip code contains non-numeric character.", E_USER_ERROR); } } } // return the string return $zipcode; } // takes a validated zip code and // calculates the checksum for POSTNET function _CalculateCheckSumDigit($zipcode) { // calculate sum of digits if( strlen($zipcode) == 10 ) { $sumOfDigits = $zipcode{0} + $zipcode{1} + $zipcode{2} + $zipcode{3} + $zipcode{4} + $zipcode{6} + $zipcode{7} + $zipcode{8} + $zipcode{9}; } else { $sumOfDigits = $zipcode{0} + $zipcode{1} + $zipcode{2} + $zipcode{3} + $zipcode{4}; } // return checksum digit if( ($sumOfDigits % 10) == 0 ) return 0; else return 10 - ($sumOfDigits % 10); } // Takes a digit and draws the corresponding POSTNET bars. function _DrawDigitBars($x, $y, $BarSpacing, $HalfBarHeight, $FullBarHeight, $BarDefinitionsArray, $digit) { // check for invalid digit if($digit < 0 && $digit > 9) trigger_error("DrawDigitBars: invalid digit.", E_USER_ERROR); // Draw the five bars representing a digit. for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if($BarDefinitionsArray[$digit][$i] == 1) $this->Line($x, $y, $x, $y - $FullBarHeight); else $this->Line($x, $y, $x, $y - $HalfBarHeight); $x += $BarSpacing; } } } // Get request variables into global variables $selectRequestVariables = array("command","returnline1","returnline2", "returnline3","returnline4","recipientline1","recipientline2", "recipientline3","recipientline4"); foreach($selectRequestVariables as $selectRequestVar) { // split across lines for readability eval('$GLOBALS["'.$selectRequestVar.'"] = $'. $selectRequestVar.' = isset($_REQUEST["'. $selectRequestVar.'"]) ? $_REQUEST["'. $selectRequestVar.'"] : "";'); } // If the command is 'createenvelope', generate the envelope if($command == "createenvelope") { // Set up the PDF object $pdf = new PDF_POSTNET("P","pt",array(684,315)); $pdf->Open(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Times','',11); // Print return address $pdf->Text(54,54,$returnline1); $pdf->Text(54,68,$returnline2); $pdf->Text(54,82,$returnline3); $pdf->Text(54,96,$returnline4); // Get last non-empty line of recipient address if($recipientline4 != "") { $stringToParse = $recipientline4; } elseif($recipientline3 != "") { $stringToParse = $recipientline3; } else { $stringToParse = $recipientline2; } // Extract zip code from last non-empty line of recipient $zipcode = $pdf->ParseZipCode($stringToParse); // If zip code is found, print the POSTNET bar code if($zipcode != "") { $pdf->POSTNETBarCode(288,170,$zipcode); } // Print recipient address $pdf->Text(288,184,$recipientline1); $pdf->Text(288,198,$recipientline2); $pdf->Text(288,212,$recipientline3); $pdf->Text(288,226,$recipientline4); // Output the PDF header("Content-type: application/pdf"); $pdf->Output(); exit(); } require('/home/username/headerfooterfunctions.php'); print_header(); ?>

Generate a Number 10 Envelope in PDF with automatic POSTNET bar coding.

Press the "Generate Envelope" button to dynamically generate the envelope in PDF.
The envelope will show a POSTNET bar code if a valid 5 or 9 digit zip code is found.
This page uses the Freeware PDF library, FPDF. You can also get the PHP source code to generate POSTNET bar codes.