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At the full size of two megapixels, the Canon Powershot A60 produces image files between 400 and 800 kilobytes in size, which touches the reasonable limit for email these days. Higher resolutions have correspondingly larger file size, and you run the risk of clogged email boxes and slow downloads. (Standard Hotmail mailboxes are only two megabytes, which can only hold two to four of these images.) In other words, if you do mainly emailing, then you don't need much more than 2 megapixels of resolution. With a higher resolution camera, you can set the resolution lower or resize the images after taking them to get emailable image files.

Here are some of the better pictures from the batch of 250 I've taken over the past month and a half. I've selected the better pictures so that you get an idea of the potential of the camera, rather seeing my amateur photography skills. Some of the pictures have been cropped, but none have been retouched. What you see is what you get.

cat licking nectarine thumbnail everett piano thumbnail
Minx, the housecat, loves nectarines.
cat licking nectarine full size
A for sale picture for our Everett piano.
everett piano full size